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Part of the energy solution in cities, urban and rural areas

Sweden's Energy Communities

Solar, wind power, energy storage and control are the most inclusive energy technologies. Added to that is all the value that can happen with heating technology and energy sharing in local energy communities.


We believe in a sustainable future where local energy communities play a central role. By consuming energy close to its source while creating the energy with renewable energy such as solar cells, wind power and heat pumps, we promote a more environmentally friendly and socially just energy sharing. Explore how you can be part of the change by joining us.


Energy sharing with solar + battery + control 

Some critics want to argue that we have an electricity shortage in Sweden. We don't have an electricity shortage, we have a significant production surplus, and Sweden is Europe's leading electricity exporter. However, we do have a lack of electricity transmission capacity in several regions.

We need to fix it and one way is to move towards more local energy production.

People are beginning to understand the movement of change. We want to bring these people together. We ensure that technology solutions are matched to different needs in energy communities so that new spaces for collaboration and collective action are created. In that is our opportunity.

Take the lead

As a knowledge platform, we actively follow what is happening within Energy Communities, both in Sweden and in Europe. We ensure that knowledge and experience are developed, shared and put to use.

As Arena för Innovation, we arrange meeting arenas and conduct seminars to build bridges between business, private initiatives and public actors.

"Imagine a housing block where an energy community is a collaboration between several households that jointly install solar panels on the correctly angled roofs, share and store the produced electricity in shared batteries. Every household benefits from renewable energy and reduces its own electricity costs while contributing to a more sustainable energy supply locally."

Two ways to allow energy sharing in the swedish local grid. 

Virtual power grid

  • The electricity is distributed between the members of the energy community in the general municipal DSO grid.

  • The settlement is made with the local grid owner's smart electricity meters (which must be bidirectional).

  • A measured value is stored for a given time interval.


Local physical DC grid (new law jan. 2022) also called microgrid or low-voltage grid can be built between buildings and neighboring properties to share electricity. These are used so far mainly between apartment buildings.

This can speed up decisions for microproducers, energy cooperatives, building societies, road associations, communities and real estate.

Go with the flow

The solar cell installations for detached houses can now produce over 1.7 terawatt hours (TWh) of electricity. We should take advantage of the great interest in investing in local electricity production with solar cells and energy storage, as well as the need for electric car charging. Energy sharing would elevate this movement to a cost-effective distributed system resource with the help of control and digitization.

We work with incentives that speed up decisions for micro-producers, energy cooperatives, building societies, road associations, communities. We invite all energy communities that take part in some form of detailed plan planning in residential areas. In this way, we can future-proof the energy communities that want to establish themselves with local or virtual electricity grids.
Fästpunkt 1

Sommaren 2023 inledde vi Almedalen med vårt dynamiska samtal om att energigemenskaper kan vara en bra lösning för att motverka "Trängsel i elnätet"

Trängsel i Elnätet
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Don't miss the Coompanion podcast: Anders Björbole, is one of Coompanion's experts. What if there is a solution by getting together and starting local energy cooperatives? Maybe invest in solar cells or EV-charging together?

Energy communities in Sweden


Congestion in the electricity grid - when energy communities contributes. Congestion is an issue that is becoming highly relevant with the installation of solar power plants on roofs. On those occasions, energy communities benefit. The more self-consumption of produced solar energy that can be shared locally, the more relief in the overhead power grid. 300,000 homeowners are planning for solar cells according to institute SIFO and the EU directive states that by 2028 all new public and municipal buildings with the technical prerequisites must have solar energy installed.

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