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Part of the energy solution in cities, urban and rural areas

Sweden's Energy Communities

Solar, wind power and shared energy storage are the most inclusive energy technologies. Added to that is all the value that can happen with heating technology and energy sharing in local energy communities.


By becoming collectively self-sufficient in electricity and consuming electricity close to its source, we promote a more environmentally friendly and socially just development. This also includes district heating networks, local energy storage or, for example, charging stations and electric vehicles.

Sweden's Energy Communities supports initiatives for sustainable energy. We are there for citizens and local entrepreneurs through services, advocacy and knowledge sharing. We are organized as a network organization and in collaborations and joint efforts we can further develop our cooperative offering and build strong organizations. As a united energy community, we contribute better for Sweden fulfilling the 2030 targets for renewable energy


Energy sharing with solar + battery + control 

Some critics want to argue that we have an electricity shortage in Sweden. We don't have an electricity shortage, we have a significant production surplus, and Sweden is Europe's leading electricity exporter. However, we do have a lack of electricity transmission capacity in several regions.


We need to fix it and energy communities take the load off the overhead power grid

This is how the value of an energy community is described by Jenny Palm, professor in Lund and board member of Sweden's Energy Community:

"Energy community means that private individuals, organizations and companies come together and together produce energy or develop other energy services. This form of organization causes people who have traditionally mostly been consumers to join together and become both producers and consumers and share electricity with each other"

Take the lead

In our platform, we offer you real-time what is happening within Energy Communities, both in Sweden and in Europe. Knowledge and experience are developed and shared. As A Meeting Place for Innovation, we arrange arenas and seminars and build bridges between business, private initiatives and public actors.

"Imagine a housing block where an energy community is a collaboration between several households that jointly install solar panels on the correctly angled roofs, share and store the produced electricity in shared batteries. Every household benefits from renewable energy and reduces its own electricity costs while contributing to a more sustainable energy supply locally."

Two ways to allow energy sharing in the swedish local grid. 

Virtual power grid

  • The electricity is distributed between the members of the energy community in the general municipal DSO grid.

  • The facility is made with the local grid owner's smart electricity meters (which must be bidirectional).

  • A measured value is stored for a given time interval.


Local physical DC grid (new law jan. 2022) also called microgrid or low-voltage grid can be built and between buildings and neighboring properties to share electricity and owned by citizens. These are used so far mainly between apartment buildings.

Go with the flow

Solarpanel installations for detached houses can now produce app. 1,7 TWh of electricity. We should take advantage of the great interest in investing in local solar production and energy storage, as well as need for EV charging. Energy sharing can elevate this movement to a cost-effective distributed system resource with the help of control and digitization.

Interest and demand is growing and the concept of energy community is a main issue for municipalities, companies, developers, politicians, single-family home owners, Brfs and above all a big issue for the many people. With us, you get help to understand how you can start an initiative.
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Join a network
Get involved in one of our three networks. Members from all over the country exchange knowledge, find community, share in lectures and workshops and are inspired to local commitment.

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Our Services


For you as private person

For private individuals, we introduce to groups the Roadmap that takes you through the challenge of starting up the energy community. Knowledge is the strongest tool together with creating room for real action locally. We help with dialogue with electricity grid companies, permit processes and available financial support in the start-up.


For public sector

For municipalities and energy public offices, we arrange knowledge hubs, on-site and online seminars, workshops for fulfillng community ideas throughout Sweden (target groups). We inspire about technology, collaborations, sustainability values ​​and what the regulations allow today and what may affect us in the future. Knowledge and inspiration are extremely important.


For your company

For companies, the potential is almost limitless, we support groups of (SME) companies in many ways with tailor-made assignments. It may concern lobbying locally where new concepts and possibilities needs to be anchored in the start. We support with project management between those involved in housing areas, commercial premises, agriculture and in rural areas. We initiate collaborations you have not thought of.

Vissa tjänster som "one stop shop" för en energigemenskap

One stop shop betyder att du kan välja och vraka bland olika tjänster beroende på ert behov och kunnande. Självbestämmande för oss betyder att energigemenskapen har intern expertis eller resurser och ska vårda den kontroll där styrkor finns.

Teknisk rådgivning och planering: Hjälp med att planera för energisystemet, underlätta beslut för solpaneler och andra energikällor, batterilagring och annan förnybar energiteknik. Våra experter (medlem med erfarenhet) möter deltagarna för att förstå deras energibehov, mål och förutsättningar. Detta inkluderar att samla information om energiförbrukning, budget, tillgängligt utrymme och lokala förhållanden

Ekonomisk rådgivning och planering: Tillgång till finansieringslösningar, bidrag, och ekonomiska modeller som kan stödja etableringen av energigemenskapen. Alla behöver från början begripa den initiala investeringar, löpande kostnader och potentiella besparingar. Detta kan inkludera en jämförelse av andra tekniska lösningar som gjorts på marknaden.

Installation och drift: Planering och förankring hos medlemmar om återbetalningstider och ROI för investeringar för gemenskapen och värdet för var och en. Presentationer och förankring av dessa sker med våra (medlems) konsulter. Miljöbedömning: Hur ser de miljömässiga fördelarna ut med den föreslagna lokala energin, minskade koldioxidutsläpp och förbättrad energieffektivitet. Rådgivning om samarbete med installation och underhåll av energisystemen och anslutning till elnätet.

Regulatorisk och juridisk support: Rådgivning kring lagar och regler som gäller för energigemenskapen, inklusive tillstånd och avtal. Hjälp med att navigera genom de kommande nödvändiga tillstånden, från EU-håll till regionala och nationella regler och bestämmelser.

Administration och förvaltning: Hjälp med att navigera i upphandling av energigemenskapens system som fördelar energiproduktion och konsumtion i realtid för att säkerställa optimal drift och identifiera möjligheter till förbättringar. Fortsatt rådgivning: Löpande stöd och rådgivning för att anpassa och förbättra systemet baserat på förändrade behov eller nya tekniska möjligheter.

Teknisk support och medlemsservice: Rådgivning om hur löpande teknisk support och kundservice har löst problem som uppstått i andra projekt i Europa. I det här läget är samarbetspartners redan etablerade och vi behövs bara för att sprida er framgång.

Utbildning kring beteendeskifte: Utbildningsprogram och informationsresurser för att öka medvetenheten och förståelsen bland deltagare i energigemenskapen. Komplexiteten mitt i processen är svår att greppa, det blir lätt lite väl teknikoptimistiskt. Teknik är en avgörande faktor, men gruppen lär sig se på omställningen som ett beteendeskifte på flera plan.

Energy communities in Sweden


Congestion in the electricity grid - when energy communities contributes. Congestion is an issue that is becoming highly relevant with the installation of solar power plants on roofs. On those occasions, energy communities benefit. The more self-consumption of produced solar energy that can be shared locally, the more relief in the overhead power grid. 300,000 homeowners are planning for solar cells according to institute SIFO and the EU directive states that by 2028 all new public and municipal buildings with the technical prerequisites must have solar energy installed.

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